Thursday, January 3, 2013

39 Week Doc Appt...

Well nothing has changed. Everything is still the same... UGH... I am so tired of being pregnant {end of rant} ;)

On the bright side my mom will be here on Sunday and that is my last day of work as well... Well technically Monday is, but I dont have to work just getting paid for it! :) I LOVE floating holidays lol.

Oh doctor did say if I dont go into labor on my own I will be induced on the 18th of January, which would put me at 41w2d. I am really hoping our little princess doesn't make us wait that long to meet her. I honestly dont think I will be pregnant for that much longer... I think if anything she will be here around the 12th. IDK why that date sticks in my head but it does... My dad told me a while back he thinks the 4th... So I guess we will see.. and Bart just wants this little girl here NOW! lol... I can tell he is starting to get really impatient. :)

So my next appointment is Tuesday the 8th... I will be 39w6d.. I would like to talk to my doctor a little more about induction and that whole process at that appointment. And if anything if we could move the date up because my dad will be flying back home on the 19th at 9am! I do not want him to miss the birth of Brooklynn and then my mom would be going home a couple days later! :( But she has the ability to extend her vacation if she has too, which is awesome! It is going to be such a big help having them here to help us through these first couple weeks. Oh and I know that if I haven't had her by my next appointment I will have to go and have some testing done to make sure it is okay for miss Brooklynn to stay in there past my due date. I think it is just an ultra sound to check fluid levels, her size, and how the placenta is doing. Well that's it for now. I guess I will know more on Tuesday... Or she could come before then... Who knows... the anticipation is KILLING me haha...

Oh and a little side note... I haven't had any caffeine since the day I found out I was pregnant... and right now I am enjoying my first diet dr pepper {Well any caffeine for that matter} in 9 MONTHS!!!!!! AAAHHHH it is so delicious! Everyone that knows me knows that I used to have these about umm 3-4 times a day... Plus a Starbucks {clearly I was extremely healthy}, so this is such a treat! One happy momma :)

Hope everyone has a great weekend! <3

3 days until I get to see my mom!
3 days left of work!
7 days until I get to see my dad!

Oh this is a little edit to the original post. I forgot to put this in here earlier... I lost 3lbs at my last appointment (woohoo) and I had zero weight gain at this appointment! YAY! I know my baby girl is growing so that has to mean I am losing some weight lol. By some weight I mean like a pound haha. It is the only good news from today.  :)


  1. woohoo!!!!
    I am keeping my fingers crossed for BabyGirl to arrive SOON!!!!!

    I'm so over this whole process too.. u are soo not alone!

  2. Lol and I LOVE our fb group but whenever a girl that is due after me has their baby it pisses me off haha... But at the same time I am so happy for them... Two of my due date buddies have had their babies already! So jealous haha...
