Monday, January 7, 2013

Bored... {more mucous... really?}

okay well I am just sitting at home not doing too much... Bounced on my birthing ball today... that has been the highlight of my day so far haha...

Waiting for Bart to come home for lunch.. once he leaves to go back to work I am going to go to the mall and walk for a couple hours lol... Trying everything to get this show on the road.. We are getting so anxious to meet our baby girl!

Well I guess there is some progress to report... Just and FYI it is TMI... So a couple weeks ago or whenever it was I thought I had lost all of my mucous plug... well was I wrong about that... Last night and early this morning I was having some good contractions.. nothing that was consistent though bummer... anyways so when I went to the bathroom there was A LOT of redish brown mucous... I thought since there was so much the last time that I passed the whole thing... Well that is clearly not the case... I dont know if everything is out now or what but I hope so... and I hope that this means labor is going to happen soon... prob not, but one can hope right ;)

Oh and more exciting news my mom is on her way to Iowa right now :) she will be here by this evening! Cant wait to see her! I haven't seen her since August.. :)

Dad will be flying in on Thursday! I am so happy to be able to see my family! I have missed them sooo much! It is really hard to not have any family around... especially while I am pregnant and hormonal.. My parents have been so supportive through this entire pregnancy and I am so thankful for that...

Okay so doctor appointment tomorrow at 9:50... I am going in there with a mission lol. I will be leaving there with a set due date no later than Monday... Shooting for Friday... But still hoping that Brooklynn will just come on her own... I plan on giving birth to her naturally, but I know with being induced it is going to make the labor sooo much harder for me.. especially if they have to give me pitocin. Which I would like to use as a last resort. I am hoping that they can strip the membranes and break my water... and see if that will make everything go right along... but who knows...

Some pics I took this morning... I was bored. <3 

Creative inspiration.. Melanie Catron ;) thanks for the pic idea haha..

Oh and it is SOOOO nice knowing I dont have to work again until MARCH! Woo Hoo!
Will update tomorrow <3

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