Tuesday, January 8, 2013

LAST Weekly Tummy Pic...


Okay so tomorrow Brooklynn will officially be FULL TERM...

Had our much anticipated doctor appointment today. I got all of my questions answered and feel really great about everything. I am 70% effaced and still 2cm dilated... Doctor stripped my membranes and we scheduled an induction for Sunday 13th. I am so excited knowing that is the latest that our little girl will be here! I cant WAIT to hold her in my arms and see her precious little face. I am still hoping that she comes on her own, I dont want to be induced. I dont think I will be able to labor all natural with an induction. I will try my best but who knows... So now we just sit and wait for our baby girl!!!!

Well I guess this is going to be my last weekly tummy pic update... Wow everything is getting so surreal! Our princess is going to be here in 5 days!

So here are some statistics on miss Brooklynn...

She is 279 days old
99.6% through pregnancy
98.9% through third trimester
TOMORROW is her due date!! :)
5 days until induction! <3

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