Friday, June 15, 2012

Let's Get Started!!!!

Monday April 30,2012... Changed my life forever, the day we found out that we were pregnant!!

I woke up that morning around 630 got ready, stopped at Starbucks and headed to school for my 8am class just like any other Monday. About half way through class is when I started feeling a little off... I was thinking that it was probably the Starbucks and the Dt. Dr. Pepper messing with me and my empty stomach, so I tried eating some food hoping that would calm my body down and make the terrible headache that I had go away. When class was over a few people and I went to he library to study for our exam that was coming up on Wednesday, but by that time my head was pounding my whole entire body was aching and I could not stop shaking. Something was definitely off... So I decided to leave the study group and head home to lay down. When I got home idk what it was, but something told me to take a test. At this point I was four days away from my next period starting, but when I was waiting for the test to show the results I already knew that I was pregnant. Sure enough before I knew it there was a big YES on the test., I couldn't help but smile.

Tell me that isn't one of the faintest lines u have ever seen!!!! I guess that's what you get when you are testing four days before your missed period :)

Telling Bart...

Bart was still at work when I took the test and he wouldn't be coming home for at least another couple hours. Those two hours seemed like the longest two hours of my life! I sent him a text saying that I have something to tell him when he gets home... wanting to make sure he comes right home and doesn't try to go golfing like usual :) I knew by telling him that he would be texting me asking me what its about but I knew that I did not want to tell him over a text message. Right at 5 I get a phone call from him asking me over and over about what I wanted to tell him... I think at that point he already knew but I kept on telling him we will talk when he gets home. So he finally makes it home and he is like what is it... and I show him the test and he just kinda stands there with a blank stare on his face... All I am thinking is that's it??? I just told you that we are going to have a baby and u just sit there and stare at the test... made me almost start crying... SOOOO typical Bart finally says, "well looks like we have to find a bigger place." He goes and gets the iPad and sits on the bathroom floor with me and we started looking at new places to live... Then he finally leans over gives me a kiss and then gives my tummy a BIG smooch, and at that point I started crying.

HCG Levels...

The next day I went and had my blood drawn to see where my HCG levels were. I got the results a couple hours later... The lady said that my levels are not within a certain range to say it is a "true positive" result... WHAT!??! My heart sank! I of course immediately went and did research on what that meant... all I saw were things like "miscarriage, chemical pregnancy, etc." I was scheduled to go back in on that next Monday to have my blood drawn again to make sure my levels were increasing and were finally in the "true positive" range. I was totally freaking out so I called the lady back for some reassurance and she went on to tell me that they shouldn't have even drawn my blood because I still had not missed a period yet. That literally was the longest six days of my life! So on Monday I go in to have my blood drawn... Thank god I had a couple of my girl friends with me to keep me calm. The night before I could not sleep at all, I was sick to my stomach and I could not stop shaking. So at 3pm I could call for my results, I called at 2:59 and the lady said "you are definitely pregnant!" Instant relief and joy!

Sorry for such a long post... But a lot has happened in the past 10 weeks! The next post will be just pictures or my tummy week by week and then there will be our first OB appointment and I will finally be caught up with our pregnancy! I cant wait to look back on this after our little one is here and see what our journey has been! This will be great for the baby book! One last thing... thanks Mel for getting me into blogging now we just have to get Bre on here! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Splendid posting Kim!!!!! I'll add you to my list of blogs to follow!!!!! Ues Bre... ur next momma!
