Saturday, June 30, 2012

1st Gender Dream!!!!!

Okay so I have to talk about what happened last night while I was dreaming! :) I have dreamt about our baby before and when it would come time to see our little ones face I would ALWAYS wake up!!! So frustrating... And up until this point I have not had a dream about the babys gender at all, which is surprising to me.

Anyways, so last night during my dream we were having a 3d ultrasound done, I was about 30 weeks or so, but on the ultrasound it was like a live view of the baby... if that makes sense. I have that image burned into my head! The first thing that I noticed was our babys lips, they were exactly like Barts, the baby had my eyes but Barts beautiful blue color, big chunky cheeks... i just remember thinking geez our baby looks just like a gerber baby.... Then I woke up, had to pee (figures), I was so sad to wake up because I knew I was not going to start dreaming of our little one again. BUUUUTTT I was wrong ;)

So after the usual middle of the night run to the bathroom I layed back down and immediately fell back asleep, which is not always the case. My dream almost picked up right where it left off, but this time I was having an ultrasound for the gender and I was only 20 weeks along at this point. We are in the room and they are getting everything set up, and they put the monitor right in front of my face. So I tell the lady that I am gong to record the ultrasound with my phone that way I have a video and then an audio for the first time we hear babies heart beat (that part is a little random but I think it was in my dream because our next appointment is where we get to hear the heart beating). Anyways so she starts the ultrasound and asks if we wanted to know that sex and I told her that I would like the picture put in an envelope and set aside because we are going to be doing something for our gender reveal... So she puts it in there and before I know it we are at our photographers studio getting things set up for the gender reveal... Bart pulls out a cupcake and bites into it and the inside is blue.... We are having a boy!!!!! I was so happy but then I started to cry because that is not what our gender reveal was supposed to be... I was so devastated and extremely happy at the same time. lol... Then I woke up and just layed in bed and smiled. Called Bart into the room and told him my dreams, he started laughing at me when I told him how sad/mad I was that he bite into that stupid cupcake. :) 

Both Bart and I think we are having a little girl, and so does pretty much everyone else, but maybe there is a little boy in there.... Only time will tell... ;)

TWO more days until we have our next appointment! I cant wait!!! I am so excited and nervous!!! I am sure everything is fine, but I still am freaking out... Thank god it is at 8:50 in the morning and we dont have to wait all day... We will also be making the appointment for our gender reveal that day too!! Very exciting!!!

I figured to celebrate the awesome two dreams that I had and the fact that our appointment is so soon... I went shopping for the little one :)

Can never go wrong with a pair of Sperrys :) <3 them...

Hopefully I will have a good recording of our baby's heart on Monday, some ultrasound pictures and a date for the gender reveal! <3


  1. Omgosh, so cute!!!

    This is the reason i blog my pregnancies! Its literally soo easy to log on and jot ur thoughts! I was surprised to read "boy" but yay! Gender dreams are the best! Ive had teo so far, both girl! Cant wait to know for sure!

    Im suuuuuper excited for ur monday appt! Im sure everything is gonna be fine :) i cant waitttttt to see a video and pictures!!!!

  2. I know I love this whole blog thing... for pregnancies... I dont think i could do it just for a day to day thing... my life isnt that exciting lol..

    And I was so surprised to see BLUE!!! lol I thought for sure it would be pink!

    I cant wait to know what we are having! that wold be a trip if me, u and bre were all having little girls!!

    What do you think you are having?!? For some reason I want to say girl for you but I just dont know! Maybe when you are a little farther along I will have a better guess lol... your tummy is just to confusing haha I thought for sure there was two in there, but clearly I was wrong there. :)
