Monday, July 2, 2012

Hearing the heartbeat for the 1st time!

 Okay soooo we got to hear the heartbeat today!!!!! It was absolutely amazing <3  We will have an ultrasound done on Thursday! I cant wait to see our little bean again!

So walking into the appointment I was so completely nervous! Hoping that everything was okay and that we were able to actually hear the heart beating! I dont think I took a breath until we heard the the heart. And of course when we I heard it, it brought tears to my eyes. :) I was finally able to breathe again lol... Here is a recording of our little ones heart beating. Its heart was beating at 165bpm ;)

 **right around the 7th second is when you can start hearing it! <3

In the video you can hear Bart asking how fast it is beating... thats when the doc says 165 and that its perfect! right where it should be! I should have kept recording, because after that Bart says to me "that means its going to be a girl, because of the faster heartbeat!" lol he has clearly done some reading into the old wives tales... The doc says "that's what they say, but most babies hearts are beating at this pace because it is still early on." :) We cant wait to know if we are having a boy or a girl! <3

So our next OB appointment is July 31st at 8:50am! I will be 16w6d along! at that appointment we will listen to the heart beating again and we will get the order to make our appointment for our gender ultrasound! Our doctor said that we can make the appointment either at 19 or 20 weeks along... I am hoping to get the appointment closer to my 19th week! That would put it right around August 15th!!! right now that will be my little count down until we have the official day!

I am going to try to get a couple pictures of our baby at the ultrasound on Thursday, I hope they let me either have some or do a recording of the monitor with my phone.. I am not sure what there policy is, its at a different place than my OB office. The ultrasound that we are having done is to test the fat store behind our baby's neck to determine the likelihood of our baby having down syndrome.

Well right now I am 12w5d almost into my second trimester!!! 2 more days woohoo! Tomorrow I will be posting my weekly tummy pic! 191 days until baby is due!

Oh I almost forgot this morning Bart leans down to give my tummy a kiss and when he stands up he says to me "are you sticking out your stomach?" I say "haha no I wish I could say I was!" he then says to me "and your worried about the baby? There is def a baby in there and its growing, there is nothing to worry about!!!" Point taken babe, thanks! Im getting bigger... Trust me I know... my pants aren't getting any looser! That made me smile and relax just a little before our appointment :) I think I will be investing into a belly band soon... Its starting to get uncomfortable wearing my pants buttoned all day.



  1. send me ur addres gf, dont buy a belly band! theyre like 25.00+! I'll send you one of mine (why i have 2 i dont know).. i clearly dont need it anymore- im into all my maternity pants already =)

    Carl's kisses mine in the morning when he leaves for work- becuase usually I am too tired to even sit up in bed. during the day, he'll walk by and rub it and i can judge off of the size of his hand and the size of my belly that it is.. no doubt... getting bigger. im feeling good today- i think all of my bloating has delfated.. thank the LORD becasue THAT was awful!

    I'm excited u guys got to record. 23 more days until I get to do the same!!! woohoo!!!!!!

  2. My address will be changing at the first of the month... but right now it is 1438 Kodiak Ct. Coralville, IA 52241... Thanks Mel! saves me some money! haha

    and that great that you are feeling better!!! and yes I would say the bloating is one of the worst things because there really isnt anything to do about it...

    I am so happy I got to record it! Can wait to hear your baby's heart! <3 I would have never thought to record it with my phone until you mentioned it.. ;)

    1. I'll get it in the mail today! It's a black one- i think they only come in white or black. It did me wonders!
      I'm SURE that I will be able to get a good long recording this next time- Carl wont be able to be with me because he will be on a short (a long 24-days) deployment of some sort (to Hawaii.. "bummer, right"). So when Dr. Gonzalez asks "where's dad", I can say he is requesting a lengthy video :) He always let me do them last time around, so this time should be no different! YAY!

  3. aww Mel thats sad! im sorry he wont be able to be there... :( thank god for technology!

    Bart may not be able to come to the appointment on Thursday which makes me really sad... but maybe they will let me record it... I hope lol...
