Monday, July 23, 2012

Feeling our baby move for the 1st time... Maybe... (Edited)

Okay so I have to blog about this....

So last night Bart and I went to bed, but for some reason I was super cold... like freezing... So by the time I layed down in bed I was shivering... My heart was beating above average... but it has been lately... it has be beating faster and stronger... must be the increased blood volume... Anyways so I am laying on my left side (book says that is the best position to lay for best blood circulation to baby) for about 5 min... shivering occasionally... so there was a lot going on... I could feel my heart pounding, I was shivering, and I could feel the pulse in my stomach too...

 SO as I am laying there I am feeling all different kinds of flutters, butterflies, just some sort of feeling that is very hard to explain down in my uterus... I have never felt these feelings before... they would happen for a few seconds then go away then come back 30 or so seconds later... I would say this happened for about 5 min. But I haven felt them since last night... hmm... So I want to say that is the first time that I have felt baby move, buuuutttt I am waiting until I feel it again... Like I said before there was a lot going on with my body at that time.... But those feelings definitely stood out to me...

I just layed in bed with a smile on my face tears in my eyes and enjoyed the moment... and as for Barts reaction.... he was laying in bed next to me snoring... lol... I told him this morning... He got the biggest smile on his face and said "really!!??" I said yeah I think so.... then I went on to explain to him what I felt and that I dont want to say this was the first movement until I feel it again... He smiled kissed me and my belly... :)

I really hope I can feel our baby again tonight... that would be amazing... :) then I will know for sure what I felt last night really was our baby moving... But we will see...

15 weeks 4 days...07/22/2012 at/around 10:30pm... 1st time feeling baby move... Maybe <3

I forgot to add this in here earlier... Well as I was laying in bed today I roll over from laying on my left side and I could totally see exactly where baby was! it was a trip!... These pics dont do it justice... But On the left side where baby was my stomach was hard as a rock and on the right it was soft... Also today I have felt a lot of growing/stretching pains... my uterus feels really tight... And it feels like baby has put on some weight... lol... my uterus just feels heavier now.. if that makes any sense lol... well here are the pics!

So in this pic you can see my stomach slanting to the left... like I said pic doesn't really do it justice lol 

So this pic is the side of my stomach on the left side.... You can kind of see a lump right across from my hip bone and just above my underwear... that was the hardest part of my stomach... ;)

 I cant believe how big my stomach is when I am laying down now! Baby is def growing and I couldn't be happier! <3


  1. CUTE!!!!!

    Too funny, I have those exact pictures as well :) I am going to blog about it this evening before I forget the little details :)

  2. Lol isnt it crazy!!! haha I was in shock! I wish Bart was home to see and feel it! But I sent him the pic right away! lol...

    And yes you better get to blogging!!! :) you will have lots to blog about today! Especially after the doctors appointment :) so excited to hear the recording of the babies <3beat!!!
