Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Physical Therapy... and a Special Birth!

Okay so I have to do a little post... ;) Well I am 31 weeks today! yay! Very exciting...

Anyways so I had my physical therapy appt today for my back. It went well.. I have to go twice a week. they gave me a few exercises to do at home which should help with relieving some of this pain in my lower back... the best part is they massage my back at the end... yay! haha... oh and Brooklynn was putting on a show for the girls at PT... she either did not like the stretches I was doing or she just wanted to let them know that she is there stretching with her mommy :) She did make the girls laugh a few times at home much she was kicking and moving.

Okay so onto the important stuff!!! On of my friend Bre just had her precious baby girl today! I knew as soon as my hone went off this morning at 7am it had to be her! And sure enough she was 7cm and at the hospital!!! She had her little princess at 9:15 am 6lbs7oz 20 inches long! I had tears in my eyes when I received that text... pure joy! A new life is such and incredible and amazing thing!!! Anyways I am just beyond excited and happy for their precious family so I had to give a little shout out :) Much love to them and best wishes!

Side note... Little miss Brooklynn has been making me pretty uncomfortable right now!!! She will not get her legs and butt off my ribs! I thought people were crazy when they said that the kicking kinda hurts... But I TOTALLY know what they mean... Its not like a pain but very uncomfortable... which makes me feel bad because I think she is uncomfortable. Sitting is a problem right now...

I hope every one has an AMAZING day! My day was made at 9am this morning! <3 :)

Statistics on my Princess
217 days old
77.5% through pregnancy
30.8% through the 3rd trimester
63 days remain until her due date!!!! CRAZY make that 62... cant count today haha
she will be full term in 42 days!!! And I will be perfectly happy with her coming on that day or any day after that! ;)
7 3/4 months pregnant <3

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