Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Weekly Tummy Pic...

 Okay so I am 21w6d!

Baby girl is moving/kicking up a storm in my belly! I love being able to feel our princess all day long! It is absolutely the most amazing feeling in the whole world. It doesn't matter what I am doing or whatever mood I am in when I feel that little girl I instantly smile! :) So in love with her it is crazy!!!!

Well I guess some stuff has happened since last week :) We have painted Brooklynn's Room!!! I dont think I am going to post pictures until we have it all ready... Which should be about four weeks... Dad has ordered her crib and dresser! We absolutely love it! But it will take about four weeks for it to get delivered to our store... I couldn't be anymore grateful for everything that my parents have done for our baby girl! :) 

This is her crib and dresser... Baby Cache-Kensington-natural

My love hard at work on taping off the lines :)

 All taped... plastic is down.... now time to paint :)


 Sneak peak of Bart starting to paint her room....

Well... we got the first order of bows in for Brooklynn!!! All I can say is that I absolutely love them! And I love the lady that made them for us! She also made us this thing that hangs in her closet to put all of her bows in (no charge which is always nice). She is so kind and crafty! :) I have her working on a little something for our maternity pictures too! I cant wait to see how it turns out! <3

 The thing she made to carry all the bows that will hang in her closet... The nice thing... its double sided! YAY room for more bows

 Also with this past weekend being labor day I figured there were some good sales going on.... Boy was I right! I went to the mall and got Brooklynn a ton of clothes for the spring and summer time! :) We were able to get her a few dresses that were usually 30-35 dollars for 10 bucks! It was awesome! also got her tank tops for 1-2 dollars! Boy do I love sales... Then my mom calls me and tells me that Carters has a sale for 50% of... So she clearly took advantage of that! :) She got Brooklynn a ton of things! I cant wait for those to be delivered! <3

 Well on to how I have been feeling... I have been feeling great! <3 no complaints... Feet still swelling but I can deal with that. :) My feet have been hurting so bad lately when I get off work... so Bart went and bought me a new pair of Nike for work :) such a sweetheart! <3

So statistics on my pregnancy...

Baby Brooklynn is 153 days new
I am 54.6% way through this pregnancy
65.7% through second trimester
127** days until our princess is here... (*maybe sooner or later)
36 days until I start my third trimester (Oct 10th)
 Geez this has been going by so fast... But I can honestly say I am so ready for her to be here! I just want to hold her so bad!!

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