Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Weekly Tummy Pic... ULTRASOUND

Well I am 29w6d.. I cant believe we only have 10 weeks left!


I am not liking how my body is starting to look...I LOVE my bump and my baby girl but I just feel so big... from EVERY angle

This post is going to be pretty short... mostly just pictures! :)

Okay so we had our ultrasound today to check Brooklynn and see how big she is... Our baby girl is 3lbs6oz!!! SHe is measuring only 4 days ahead... ;) SO in love with her it is crazy! Ultrasound was great fluids were on the higher side but still within normal range... and OFFICIALLY confirmed my placenta is no longer touching my cervix... no c-section unless something else were to come up... such a relief and I am so happy!!! We had such an amazing time watching Brooklynn on the big screen! She had the hiccups and it was the cutest thing to see her every time she would hiccup! She also did her typical thing and kept her hands up by her little face... that little stinker! She did smile for us and open her mouth which was pretty cool to see! Baby girl is head down and more on the right side. .Unless doc orders another growth scan this is going to be the last time we see our baby until she makes her big appearance into this world... Kind of a bitter sweet moment for us... So now we are just waiting for the arrival of our precious baby girl.... So here are  the pictures and some short videos of our little princess!!!!

Cant believe how much bigger she is


 Heartbeat was 141bpm...


Her little foot... that has been causing a lot of damage to my ribs... lol... 



Her little face is all squished in there 

I think this girl is going to have some chubby cheeks... 


HEr hands hiding her face... figures.... 


Arm still up by her face... 

She finally moved it... 




Our baby girl is smiling! <3 


And there is that hand again! 


Her leg and foot... 

Baby girl has some hair ;) 

 More hair ;)


We have our check up tomorrow... should be the same thing heartbeat, measurements, my weight (ugh), and bp... I do have a few questions to ask the doc but nothing to exciting... Well I still love hearing my little girls heart beating... music to my ears!

Statistics on our baby girls progress so far...

Brooklynn is 209 days old
74.6% through this pregnancy
22.0% through the third trimester
71 days remain until her due date
Brooklynn will be FULL TERM in 50 DAYS!!!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Weekly Tummy Pic...

Well I am 28w6d. <3

 Not to sure if I am liking this view lol.. I feel massive...

I am honestly loving every minute of this pregnancy! I cant believe how close we are getting to meeting our baby girl. Time is going by very very fast... Almost down to 10 weeks... maybe sooner? We will know more in 7 days when we get to see our baby girl again. I am excited to see her and see how big she is. I called the doctors office to see how big my uterus was measuring and they said about 3 weeks ahead... so who knows...

My birthday was on Saturday... it was a perfect day! I got to spend the whole day with Bart and of course my baby girl ;) We went shopping (for Brooklynn of course), to dinner and ice cream (best part) and just relaxed and watched movies all day! It was exactly what I wanted to do :) oh and to finish off the day Bart gave me an amazing and much needed back rub. I was one happy momma.

 LOVE my flowers from Bart... Cant wait for all the lilies to bloom!

 Couple outfits we got for Brooklynn <3

Well our doctors appointment is next Wednesday... and we have our ultrasound on Tuesday at 10:30. I am really excited to see Brooklynn again but also a little sad because this is the last ultrasound... :( Crazy to think I will not see her again until she is born...  Unless doctor orders another growth scan... But I am sure she will not...

We got some more stuff put up in Brooklynn's Nursery <3

 Finally put up her wall decals <3

That is pretty much all for now... Here are some statistics on my pregnancy so far :)

28w6d pregant
7 months pregnant
11w1d remains until due date
Brooklynn will be full term on December 19th!
Brooklynn is 202 days old
72.1% through pregnancy
14.3% through third trimester
78 days remain until due date
58 days until Brooklynn is full term

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Weekly Tummy Pic... Doctor Appointment!


Okay so I am officially HUGE!!!  Top picture was taken the day we found out we were pregnant... Bottom picture this morning before my appointment... No food, water, nothing and I'm still that big...

So I had my glucose test this morning... It didn't taste too bad just extremely sweet... I didn't have an option on the flavor... I was stuck with the orange one. It tasted like an extremely flat and overly sweet orange soda... I am not too sure when I will get my results back... I am assuming no news is good news... I am sure I will get the results at my next doctors appointment.

Okay so on to the doctors appointment today... Well lets just say it was pretty depressing when I stepped onto the scale this morning... I had gained 10LBS since my last appointment!!! All I can say is WHAT THE HELL!!!! SO that made me pretty depressed almost to the point of crying... SO doctor came in listened to our baby girls heart beat... 132bpm sounded amazing as always... Then she takes out the tape measure to measure my uterus... Doctor takes down the measurement looks at the computer then says to me "your measuring big" I say to her "oh my weight"....clearly that is what is on my mind lol... She laughs at me and says" oh no... your uterus" So I say to her "well what does that mean, and can we talk about the weight gain" She says to me that "I look very physically fit, and I am all belly" She said for me not to worry about the weight gain at all... then she went on to talk about how my uterus is measuring... She said that she would like to have an ultrasound done to see how big Brooklynn is measuring due to the size of my uterus and my weight gain in the past four weeks. Then she asks me if my family has a history of big babies... I tell her Bart was a 9lb baby my brothers were 9lb babies and I was 7lb4oz because I was induced at 37 weeks because my mom had gestational diabetes... so she said "yeah I want that ultrasound done before your next appointment and they can also check on my previa placenta."  Which I was supposed to have that ultrasound, checking my placenta, at 32 weeks not 30... but oh well... kill two birds with one stone... I already know that my placenta has moved far away from my cervix... at our elective ultrasound the lady told me that its not even close...

So I am not to sure what to think right now... about my measurement and my weight gain... big baby? baby earlier than later? I guess we will know in 14 days. I start going to the doctor every two weeks now... so my next appointment is October 31st and our ultrasound is October 30th. I am excited I get to see my baby girl in two weeks! And hopefully with my appointments being 2 weeks apart now not four my weight gain wont be so big... lol... So total weight gain for this pregnancy 24lbs... wtf... okay it just hurts to type that number...

Well I guess that's all I have for right now... I will update when I get more info from our ultrasound and when I get the results from my glucose test. <3

Thursday, October 11, 2012

3d/4d Ultrasound...

Well today was an exciting day... We got to see our baby girl up on the big screen :)

I love love love seeing her little face and seeing how much she has grown since we first saw her!

she has some hair... lol..



Love that little face 


crossing her legs <3

Her little hand reaching for her toes!

Foot by her face <3

Looking at the pics we think that she has Bart's nose and cheeks... possibly my lips... I am even more excited now for my baby girl to be here... I think she looks soo much like Bart! <3

Oh also so FANTASTIC news... My placenta has moved!!!! yay!!! If all goes well I can have our baby girl all natural like we have planned! I am one happy momma!

So my next doctor appointment is on Tuesday.. I am not really looking forward to this one because I have to do my glucose test... ugh... oh well...

Well until then... I hope everyone has a great rest of the week!