Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Weekly Tummy Pic...

Well I am a day late again... oh well... I will try and not make this a habit ;)

This picture was taken this morning 26weeks!

 I took this pic a couple days ago... my view on things has changed a bit ;) I cant see my feet anymore... lol

We got a ton of stuff delivered from my mom the other day! I absolutely love everything that Brooklynn got. ;) We also received a gift from the Bews family as well! ;) a BIG thank you to them and my mom! I still have to put together this shelving thing that my mom sent too... I will post pictures once I have that put up

Gifts from the Bews :)

 All the stuff that was in on of the boxes ;) books, toys, pacifiers, blankets, towels, clothes, etc :)

 Boxes delivered from my mom...

Our ultrasound appointment is actually October 11th! 8 more days! <3 I cant wait to see my baby girl again! At my next appt is October 16th where I have to take the dreaded glucose test ugh... Then I will start seeing the doctor every two weeks. Possibly... She said we can start every two from there or go one more appt with a four week gap... So we will see what they say...

Other than that there isnt too much to talk about... <3 Just excited to see my princess soon! Oh and down to 98 days until her due date! So happy to be down to double digits!

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