Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Weekly Tummy Pic... Doctor Appointment!


Okay so I am officially HUGE!!!  Top picture was taken the day we found out we were pregnant... Bottom picture this morning before my appointment... No food, water, nothing and I'm still that big...

So I had my glucose test this morning... It didn't taste too bad just extremely sweet... I didn't have an option on the flavor... I was stuck with the orange one. It tasted like an extremely flat and overly sweet orange soda... I am not too sure when I will get my results back... I am assuming no news is good news... I am sure I will get the results at my next doctors appointment.

Okay so on to the doctors appointment today... Well lets just say it was pretty depressing when I stepped onto the scale this morning... I had gained 10LBS since my last appointment!!! All I can say is WHAT THE HELL!!!! SO that made me pretty depressed almost to the point of crying... SO doctor came in listened to our baby girls heart beat... 132bpm sounded amazing as always... Then she takes out the tape measure to measure my uterus... Doctor takes down the measurement looks at the computer then says to me "your measuring big" I say to her "oh my weight"....clearly that is what is on my mind lol... She laughs at me and says" oh no... your uterus" So I say to her "well what does that mean, and can we talk about the weight gain" She says to me that "I look very physically fit, and I am all belly" She said for me not to worry about the weight gain at all... then she went on to talk about how my uterus is measuring... She said that she would like to have an ultrasound done to see how big Brooklynn is measuring due to the size of my uterus and my weight gain in the past four weeks. Then she asks me if my family has a history of big babies... I tell her Bart was a 9lb baby my brothers were 9lb babies and I was 7lb4oz because I was induced at 37 weeks because my mom had gestational diabetes... so she said "yeah I want that ultrasound done before your next appointment and they can also check on my previa placenta."  Which I was supposed to have that ultrasound, checking my placenta, at 32 weeks not 30... but oh well... kill two birds with one stone... I already know that my placenta has moved far away from my cervix... at our elective ultrasound the lady told me that its not even close...

So I am not to sure what to think right now... about my measurement and my weight gain... big baby? baby earlier than later? I guess we will know in 14 days. I start going to the doctor every two weeks now... so my next appointment is October 31st and our ultrasound is October 30th. I am excited I get to see my baby girl in two weeks! And hopefully with my appointments being 2 weeks apart now not four my weight gain wont be so big... lol... So total weight gain for this pregnancy 24lbs... wtf... okay it just hurts to type that number...

Well I guess that's all I have for right now... I will update when I get more info from our ultrasound and when I get the results from my glucose test. <3

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