Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Weekly Tummy Pic...

Well I am 28w6d. <3

 Not to sure if I am liking this view lol.. I feel massive...

I am honestly loving every minute of this pregnancy! I cant believe how close we are getting to meeting our baby girl. Time is going by very very fast... Almost down to 10 weeks... maybe sooner? We will know more in 7 days when we get to see our baby girl again. I am excited to see her and see how big she is. I called the doctors office to see how big my uterus was measuring and they said about 3 weeks ahead... so who knows...

My birthday was on Saturday... it was a perfect day! I got to spend the whole day with Bart and of course my baby girl ;) We went shopping (for Brooklynn of course), to dinner and ice cream (best part) and just relaxed and watched movies all day! It was exactly what I wanted to do :) oh and to finish off the day Bart gave me an amazing and much needed back rub. I was one happy momma.

 LOVE my flowers from Bart... Cant wait for all the lilies to bloom!

 Couple outfits we got for Brooklynn <3

Well our doctors appointment is next Wednesday... and we have our ultrasound on Tuesday at 10:30. I am really excited to see Brooklynn again but also a little sad because this is the last ultrasound... :( Crazy to think I will not see her again until she is born...  Unless doctor orders another growth scan... But I am sure she will not...

We got some more stuff put up in Brooklynn's Nursery <3

 Finally put up her wall decals <3

That is pretty much all for now... Here are some statistics on my pregnancy so far :)

28w6d pregant
7 months pregnant
11w1d remains until due date
Brooklynn will be full term on December 19th!
Brooklynn is 202 days old
72.1% through pregnancy
14.3% through third trimester
78 days remain until due date
58 days until Brooklynn is full term


  1. oohh my gosh the room is so cute!!! and ur belly is precious!!! how FUN!!!!!! i feel like a giant whale in my undies nowadays.. :((( but oh well.. this is the last time i will have to feel that way- after baby boy is born, and i'm ok'd to work out, i hope to have the energy to be a beast at the "gym " (outside) and job everywhere with my kiddos.. ugh.. im already tired just thinking about it! haha

  2. Lol yeah I feel huge too!! And yeah I am hoping to start working out as soon as I get the okay as well... I say that now but i am sure it will change as soon as she is here lol. SO excited we are both getting so close!
