Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Weekly Tummy Pic...

Well its Tuesday... I am 20w6d another week down... :) yay!

She is moving up! <3
 Well nothing too much has happened since my last post... We have had lots of stuff delivered for Brooklynn! :) A huge thank you to my mom for everything she has be awesome! We have her stroller, rocking chair, ottoman (just got delivered today) and a ton of clothes!!! We are still waiting for our prints from our gender reveal photo session! I cant wait for those to come in! We have a large canvas image and a few smaller ones to go along the side. Also the cd that has all of our images on there.  Here are some pictures of her stroller and car seat, rocking chair... ottoman is still in the box. ;) Bart has to put that together and a picture of all of Brooklynn'c clothes. :) I also just ordered about 20 bows for little miss Brooklynn as well... This girl is already so spoiled... I think we need to stop ;) I have also found this boutique online that sells the cutest lace rompers! I will def be ordering a couple of those for her. :)

Brooklynn's stroller with her car seat in it... We went with something that is semi neutral so we can use it for our second baby. Also went with a dark color hoping it wont show too many stains... :) 

Bart putting it all together :) I love that he is a handy man and can fix/build almost naything... I guess I cant expect anything less from an engineer.

LOVE LOVE LOVE our rocking chair! It is AMAZING... 

 Macy's had a great online sale!!! :)

How I have been feeling... Well my feet are already starting to swell after I am on them all day at work. Bart noticed it the other day... so sad to see the indention from my sock around my ankle. And I know it is only going to get worse! I am usually pretty tired after work my feet hurt really bad and I get some lower back pain.

I feel Brooklynn moving around all the time and I LOVE it! :) I can tell when she is awake and when she usually goes to bed. Surprisingly she sleeps at night usually until 1030ish then she wakes up for a little bit moves around then goes back to bed. :) which I appreciate right now because she doesn't keep me awake :) But I am sure when she gets bigger and things get more cramped for her and my organs, I will have some problems sleeping. I already feel some shortness of breath when I walk, bend over, well when I do anything for that matter. Everything is already starting to get kinda cramped. Oh and a little side note on the amount of weight that I have gained... never a fun subject right??!?!? :) Well I have gained 10lbs so far... hmm depressing... But I read that I would have gained anywhere from 8-13 if I have been eating healthy... Well I have been for the most part ;) and that makes me feel better about myself! A LOT better. :) Its good to know that I am not on a fast track to being overweight... all baby and belly... with some boobies. It feels like those have grown just as much as my baby bump. So I guess a pat on my back for not going crazy and eating everything in sight... which, trust me, I have wanted to do!!

Some info on baby and momma for the next week...

Mommy... You may have some discomfort in your abdomen now as your navel begins to stick out. You may also notice swelling in your feet and legs now...

Baby... Your baby now weighs about three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long —The length of a carrot. You may soon feel like she's practicing martial arts as her initial fluttering movements turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges. You may also discover a pattern to her activity as you get to know her better. In other developments, your baby's eyebrows and lids are present now, and if you're having a girl, her vagina has begun to form as well.

Well that's about it for now... :) I will make a post when we get our maternity pictures... <3 hope everyone has a great week!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Weekly Tummy Pic...

Okay so I am posting this a little late today... oh well.. still within the day :)  Tomorrow I will be half way through this pregnancy!!! It has gone by so fast! Cant wait for the next 20 weeks and to meet our little baby girl!

 19w6d! <3

Okay so this little one has grown so much within the past week it is crazy!! Here is a picture of me from last week and then the one from this week! such a big difference. But there is a technicality... I just ate in my picture this week and I took it at the end of the day as opposed to the morning like I usually do...

 Okay well today I had my monthly check up!!! That is always fun! I love knowing I get to hear our little girls heartbeat. So lets just start with the beginning of the appointment... I get there with one minute to spare... I usually show up 5 to 10 min early.. idk why because I end up waiting until after my scheduled time to get called back but oh well... My doctors office is actually pretty good at getting me back 5 maybe 10 minutes after my scheduled appointment... Anyways so I walk to the back and set my stuff down... Then I make the dreaded walk to the scale... lol.. So I step onto the scale afraid of what it is going to read. Total weight gain... 10lbs!!!!! ugh! haha I have gained 2lbs since my last appointment a month ago. My doctor says that I should gain 25-30lbs.. YIKES! So I asked my doctor if my weight gain is on track or am I packin on the pounds too fast lol... she said that everything is great and I am right where I need to be... So that was kind of reassuring... But then I think in the back of my mind.. whould she really tell a pregnant woman "yeah hun your getting kind of big" haha yeah no... But I say the two pounds that I have gained counts for my boobs... I started at a D and now I dont even come close to fitting into a DD... Ugh! Terrible! The feel so heavy now! Okay so that was my rant... Back to the doctor appointment... So she measures my tummy with the tape measure... then she gets out the doppler to listen to Brooklynn's heartbeat... My favorite part! So she is moving around the doppler and sure enough there is little Brooklynn's heart beating away. as soon as we start to hear it really good she moves... And I feel her moving... naturally I smile so doc moves it around and finds it again... starts to be clear and sure enough she moves again! haha.. By this point I am laughing out loud now... so doc tries finding it again... found it starts beating and sure enough Brooklynn moves again... By this point doctor and myself are both laughing at her. My doctor then says to me "she moves around a lot doesn't she?" I say "oh yeah"

So after the doppler chase with Brooklynn doctor and I go over the results from our anatomy scan... She said that everything looks great with our little princess and she is measuring right on course... Then the dreaded talk about my cyst and partial previa placenta. ugh.. so my cyst has grown from 6.5cm to 7.9cm... :( Doctor says if I have any pain for me to call them and they will have to do surgery while I am pregnant... Fingers crossed that doesn't happen.. She then said that it may still go away during the birth... umm I highly doubt that! but hey you never know... So I will have an abdominal scan after Brooklynn is here and we can figure out what has to happen from there... and from this point on I dont really care anymore about this cyst because there is nothing to do about it... just hope it doesn't twist! :) So now onto the partial previa placenta... My doctor said I should not worry about that at all... which is nice (but she said the same thing about the cyst) She said I will have another ultrasound when I am 30-32 weeks to see if my placenta has moved up.. She said even if my placenta is low lying I can still gove birth to Brooklynn vaginally! Yay! That's good news! There is a low lying placenta, partial previa placenta, and a total or complete previa. low lying means the placentea is close to the cervix. the total previa means the placenta is completely over/covering the cervix... what I have is a partial previa.. which mans my placenta is touching the cervix but not covering it at all... So hopefully that things moves up and I can have her naturally! :) But on the bright side I get to see our little princess when she is a lot bigger! yay! :) gotta love free ultrasounds and free 3d ultrasonds :)

We will have an elective ultrasound the day before my birthday! YAY! October 19th! I will be 28w2d! So I guess that is the next count down lol... 8weeks and 2 days to go! haha..

So a little about last night. Brooklynn has been moving so much lately!!!!!! And I couldn't be any happier! I have felt her all day today moving around. I could tell exactly when she was awake and when she was sleeping... well assuming she was sleeping since she wouldn't move. So last night Bart and I were laying in bed and Brooklynn was kicking/punching up a storm for her daddy to feel! :) What a perfect way to end the day! I could see the joy in Bart's face! those moments are priceless and I will cherish them forever. <3 So in love with him and our baby girl! <3

Sorry this is such a long blog post but hey there is a lot to talk about! :)

Today we order our prints from our gender reveal session! I should be getting those in a couple weeks and I will get the CD with all the images and I will upload those for everyone to see! :) We ordered a 12x12 canvas and three mini canvas images to go along the side! I cant wait to hang them up in our new place. I also got a couple 5x7s and an 8x10 for my parents! :)

So I have officially begun the shopping for our little girl! And it is already out of control! My mom called me and said macy's is having a big one day sale online... so we got on there and she bought Brooklynn a TON of clothes!!! those should be coming in the mail soon.. Cant wait :) She also bought some books and this shelf thing for her nursery... And then today she ordered our glider and ottoman!!! She has done so much for this baby girl already and I cant thank her enough for every thing that she has done! She has done more than I think she should have... I did a little shopping today for our princess :) found some good deals and some really cute things! My dad is going to order her crib and dresser within the next couple weeks! :) Then its all about the decorating!! I am getting so excited to get her nursery together! <3 So a BIG BIG BIG thank you to my parents for everything they have done for us and Brooklynn! We are so appreciative! This takes so much stress off for Bart and I... Here is a pic of the clothes I bought her today. :)

I think that is about it for now... Finally! ;) I am actually tired of writing at this point. <3

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Anatomy Scan & Gender Reveal!!!

Well it's a GIRL!!!!! We are going to have a little princess running around soon ;)

Well lets start with the anatomy scan... The most important part... As far as baby goes everything looks great and out little baby girl is healthy as can be! Her heart was beating at 157bpm and she was kicking/moving up a storm in there.... She is measuring a day ahead and weighs 11oz.... ;) I loved seeing our little one for an hour today on the big screen... Makes my heart melt whenever I see her... She truly is precious and such an amazing gift!

As far as mommy goes... I have a cyst on my ovary, which I have talked about before, bad news it has grown even more! ugh such a bummer... It is measuring now almost 8cm... hmm... that makes me nervous.. as long as it doesn't affect our baby girl then I am one happy momma. I will deal with that after our princess is here... I guess... Couple more bad things... well not bad but just annoying I guess... First, I have an anterior placenta.... :( bummer... doesn't harm baby at all... just makes it where I cant feel baby as much... Which hasn't really been a problem, because Bart and I have both been able to feel our baby girl. Second, this one actually really bothers me... She measured how close the placenta is to my cervix... mine is low... she said there is no reason to worry she sees this all the time... But I am a worrier lol... She said that it could be low because my uterus hasn't stretched enough for it to move up yet... She also said that it is still early on so there is plenty of time for it to move on up... Bad thing if it doesn't... I have to have a C-Section!!!! :( :( :( when she said that I almost started crying! I want nothing more than to have an all natural birth... Felt like my heart was stomped on.. ugh... terrible!!! But on the bight side it doesn't affect the baby at all and baby is still healthy!!! And that is all that matters to me!!! <3 Another positive from it being low is that we get to have another ultrasound when I am 30 to 32 weeks along! Yay! I love being able to look at our baby girl! But... my fingers are crossed that it moves up and I can go ahead with a natural birth... by natural I mean no epidural too... aaaahhhh that's scary haha... But I know I can do it... and if not I always have that option hehe...

Okay so now on to the gender reveal photo session! ;) I had such an amazing time with Kenzi (our photographer) and her girls... They are an amazing!!!! And I dont think that I can say that enough... I can not wait for her to be apart of the birth our baby girl in January! I will have more pictures up tomorrow from our reveal photo session... It was complete torture having to wait until our photography session to find out the sex of our baby... We had out ultrasound at 830am and our session didnt start until 4:30!!! It was well worth the wait! I cant wait to see the rest of our pictures!!!

I seriously can not express how I feel right now!!! <3 I am even more in love with our baby girl now... I didn't really think that was possible.. I already loved her more than anything in my life!

Well here are tons of pictures from our anatomy scan!!! My ultrasound tech didn't put the images of our babys sex on the cd.. I think she thought we would look before our reveal lol... So I am going to go in there tomorrow to see if they can add those images on there for me... I have to see my little girls business lol...

Meet our baby girl Brooklynn Ann Graybill...


My little princess 

Love this view of her heart!!! <3 

Cross section of her heart... and heart rate at the bottom... 157bpm. <3 

Cant believe how much she has grown!!! 


I dont know what it is about feet picture I absolutely love them! <3 She kept on crossing her legs.... I guess u can say she was keeping it classy! haha 

Okay so these arent the best 3d pictures... this was the end of the ultrasound.. she was getting shy... and tired lol.. only wanted to show us half of her beautiful face. this one she has her arm up by her face... 

<3 Love her! 

 This little girl always has her hands by her face ;)

 Smiling... I think haha thats what it looks like to me ;) I cant wait for more 3d pictures!! We will have 2 more ultrasound for sure!

 Both of her little hands under her chin ;) This little girl doesn't even realize that she already has Bart and I wrapped around her little finger!

So that's it for now... My next appointment is on Tuesday and my weekly tummy pic update too... <3  

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

VERY VERY excited...

Okay so I know I just posted yesterday but I am so excited and anxious for tomorrow!!!!!

Everyone already knows that tomorrow is our anatomy scan/gender reveal!!!! I cant believe that tomorrow I will know (hopefully) what our little baby is going to be!!! I have already decided I will not leave until they can tell the sex lol...  I am really excited about knowing the the sex of our baby but there is some anxiety there too... I just want to know that our little one is healthy and growing just like he/she should be... Our appointment is at 8:30 in the morning, thank god! I dont have to wait all day for the appointment.

Right after the appointment I am going to go meet with my photographer to give her the box and the envelope that has the sex of the baby in it!!! Then they will go and get all the balloons and stuff for the session. Then it is the long dreaded wait until 6pm to meet back up with them to take some pictures and reveal the sex of our baby!!! It's crazy to think that the girls there are going to know what we are having before us! seems so unfair lol...

Side note from the gender reveal ever since Sunday Bart has been able to feel the baby move!!! :) Last night when we are laying on the couch and he had his hand on my tummy and the baby did a really weird movement... as soon as he felt it, I of course felt it to, we both just started laughing!... It was such a crazy movement... almost to hard to explain... It started at the top and did a little squiggle down went to the side and up... Idk if that made any sense... but it was so funny... we couldn't do anything but laugh at our little one... it was such a special moment for us and every movement that we have shared together has been. I feel like this has brought us closer as a family. :) <3 all smile and love... and my hidden tears lol... I dont want Bart to think I am still all hormonal lol... another little side note....Bart told me last night that he was excited for our baby to be here and for us to be a family... Like does he even realize how much it means to me for him to say something like that???? I dont think he does and that makes it even more special to me... he not saying it because it is something I want to hear its actually how he feels.... very nice and refreshing.... It makes me so happy but then I kind of want to laugh because I am thinking in the back of my mind "I am sure you will be just as excited when our baby is screaming its little head off in the middle of the night every couple hours" haha...

Well that's it for now... I have to get ready and head to work (hopefully work will go by fast)...

Sorry about the random post, but I feel like I had to blog about all of the little moments that dont really seem like much, because I am sure our next pregnancy wont have as many firsts like this one... Gotta love being a FTM. ;)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Weekly Tummy Pic...

Well I am 18w6d along today! <3 Where has time gone?

So we have our anatomy scan/gender ultrasound this Thursday!!!! Only 2 more days! I am so so so excited! We have our ultrasound at 830 in the morning but we will not know the sex of our baby until 6 in the evening! That is going to kill me having to wait that much longer! We are doing a gender reveal photo shoot, so we wanted to capture our expression of when we find out on film... It will be well worth the wait ;) I am excited bout knowing if we are having a boy or girl, but I am more worried about knowing baby is healthy! We did some of the genetic testing early on in our pregnancy, we finally got the results from that... We didn't care either way on what the results were, we only did it because we got to see baby on an ultrasound for about an hour, and insurance paid for it. So in our minds why not. :) I loved watching our baby wiggle around and see how much it has grown since our first ultrasound. Anyways the results came back negative for any neural tube defects, down syndrome, and trisomy 18 (I think that's what is was) with an 85%-90% accuracy. Like I said that doesn't really even matter to us, yes its a relief to not be high risk and stuff like that, but either way we will love our little baby more than anything. :) Here are some pictures of the box that we are going to use for our gender reveal.

The box when it is all closed up

The box is opened in this picture

 The top of the box when it is tied shut... Still have to add ? marks to the other side... Once I do that it will be all done!

Something very very exciting happened this past Sunday night (8-12-12)... Bart felt our baby move for the first time! :) :) :) He was so happy and excited... the expression on his face was priceless! So we were laying in bed watching tv, when I told him to put his hand on my tummy to see if he could feel the baby move... I had my hands there for a couple minutes before him and I could feel the baby, But usually as soon as I feel the baby move from the outside I feel it once or twice then it stops. But our baby's movements have been getting  a lot stronger lately. Anyways so Bart puts his hand on the right side of my belly, still had my hand on the left... I kept on feeling baby move and I would ask him if he felt it and he said no... So then I started to think that maybe I'm not actually feeling the baby and its all in my head lol... So I put his hand on the left side of my stomach and sure enough about 3 minutes later he felt our little one moving around... It was a pretty big movement, we both look at each other and I said "did you feel that?" he says "oooooooohhhhhhhhhh, yeah I felt that!"  He then asks me "was that the baby or your stomach?" I laugh and say "that was the baby, my stomach isn't in my uterus" Then he gets the biggest smile on his face. SO we lay there for about 10 more minutes I keep looking at him when the baby moves to see if he is feeling it and every time I look over he has a huge smile on his face. That moment was priceless.. The smile and the tone in his voice makes my heart melt ;) I am so happy he is able to experience what I have been feeling for a couple weeks now :)Once baby finally settled down and the movements weren't really happening to much anymore (assuming baby went to sleep) Bart leans down to my stomach and gives baby a kiss and tells baby "I love you"  By that point I had tears in my eyes and was trying so hard not to start balling... Love pregnancy hormones! <3

Okay so not much else to talk about until THURSDAY!!!!!!! <3 Here are some fact about me a baby for this upcoming week... 19....

Your baby's sensory development is exploding! Her brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. Some research suggests that she may be able to hear your voice now!

Your baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces and measures 6 inches, head to bottom — About the size of a large heirloom tomato. Her arms and legs are in the right proportions to each other and the rest of her body now. Her kidneys continue to make urine and the hair on her scalp is sprouting. A waxy protective coating called the vernix caseosa is forming on her skin to prevent it from pickling in the amniotic fluid.

Think you're big now? You'll start growing even faster in the weeks to come. As a result, you may notice some achiness in your lower abdomen or even an occasional brief, stabbing pain on one or both sides — especially when you shift position or at the end of an active day... (I think I have already been feeling this one!) 

Cant wait for my baby bump to keep growing :)

Here is a pic of my belly from the other morning... baby has usually been to the left side, but our little one is clearly favoring the right! <3 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Weekly Tummy Pic...

Okay well its Tuesday that means that I am 17w6d along ;) Getting very excited to be almost half way through this pregnancy :)

The baby bump is definitely growing!!!

 So the top picture is me when we first found out.. only 3 almost 4 weeks along,... and then the bottom picture is me now! 17w6d! Mommy and baby are getting big and this is only the beginning lol <3

Well today has been a very sad sad sad sad sad day... And I dont think that I could say sad enough... My mom left today taking away my kitties back to her house.. I am so sad! I already miss them so much and they left an hour ago.. I actually cant stop crying... But Bart has been amazing sending me tons of texts saying everything is going to be fine and that things will get better in January when baby is here... and all that stuff and I appreciate it but it still doesnt take away the heart break... I absolutely love my kitties... I have had zoie for 5 almost 6 years and I have had Bubba and Grace for 3 years.. I know that they are going to be just as spoiled at my moms house and they are going to love it and have a great time there... but still lol... :(

Okay on from all the sad stuff... While my mom was here she bught us a tons of stuff for the baby... She bought our car seat, stroller, diaper bag, another onesie for the baby, and got us the much needed trash pail thing for dirty diapers lol... We are waiting for the stroller to come in we had to order it online they didnt carry it in the store. My mom is also going to be buying the glider and ottoman for the nursery.. I cant wait to start putting all of that together!! :) I have to give a huge thank you out to my parents for all of their help with buying all of the furniture for the nursery! Saved us thousands of dollars! :) Baby is already so spoiled! And I am sure once we know what we are having its going to get a lot worse! <3

All the stuff from my mom... minus the stroller

Diaper bag

This is the car seat that I chose... I like how it is red, white, grey, and black... pretty neutral nd we can use it for the next baby :) And will hopefully not show to many stains lol..

I absolutely love this new facebook group that I am apart of, Love Bugs of January 2013. Thank you so much for telling me about it Melanie! These girls are so sweet and everything that they post is very helpful and I can relate to many of them with symptoms and stuff like that they are going through. It is such a great support system! The only down fall all these girls are finding out what they are having lol and it makes me even more and more impatient to know what we are having... A few of the girls have done the same thing that Bart and I have planned for their gender reveal, which I actually like seeing because everyone does it a little different :) I love to see their take on the reveal :) I watched a video of one the other day and it was very very cute! I also love that a few of the girls and I share the same due date :)

Anyways I guess I will stop rambling on now... I already posted about baby's growth for this week... But here are some statistics for my pregnancy...

Baby is 125 days new
44.6% through pregnancy
39.0% through second trimester
155 days remain until due date (22w1d)
Third trimester starts in 64 days (October 10th)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

This and that...

Okay so I just want to talk/bog for a little bit lol...

Nothing really to exciting has happened lately since my last post but there are a few little milestones :)

Growing belly??? Yes I think so.... I have more and more random customers at work bring up my pregnancy... Like today... I was talking to this guy about how strong these dog pillows that we have smell like pencil shavings... He looks at me and says " well you clearly have a heightened sense of smell right now" as he smile and looks at my belly... :) hmm guess it is getting more and more obvious... which is fine with me.. I am glad people are noticing that I am pregnant and not just a big girl lol.... I then have a lady start talking to me about how I look like megan fox.. which has happened, no joke, everyday from someone since transformers first came out.... as soon as they start the sentence with "you prob get this a lot..." or "has anyone ever told you..." so annoying lol... okay sorry that was a little rant... but anyways she then goes to say... "wait isnt she pregnant too right now??" I answer yeah I think she is... she then says " how funny your guys are both pregnant." I just smile and say yup... thinking sarcastically in my head oh yeah it is so funny... actually hilarious... Those are the pregnancy hormones lol...

I also have more and more coworkers that I dont work with on a day to day and never told them about my pregnancy come up to me and ask if I am pregnant... Then I have one manager say to me "kim you look more and more pregnant everyday I see you." I am excited that my baby bump is showing/growing :) I can talk about my pregnancy and my baby all day (just like you Mel). :) This truly is an absolutely amazing experience and I am cherishing every moment of it :) I am very grateful to be able to have/carry a baby.. We have our 20 week ultrasound/anatomy scan in 12 days... I know all the talk is about what the sex of the baby is, but I can careless either way... All I want to know is that our little baby is as healthy and growing just like it should... Knowing that we find out about all the major organs and their development on that day I am even more nervous now.. It is really hard for me to not worry and think about the worst... And I know that is not a positive or healthy way to think before this, but as a mother-to-be how can it not be in the back of my mind?

Well here is a belly pic just for fun.. I put this one on fb I think I was 17 weeks and 1 day maybe 2d... I am wearing the maternity shirt that Bart's parents got for me... I absolutely love it... And i am pretty sure it will be the same shirt that I wear for our gender reveal photo shoot :)

Oh so the big move... its almost done!!! Woo Hoo!!! We have all of the boxes unpacked... well all but 3 or 4... which is awesome!!! I can see my kitchen counters lol.. here is a pic of the kitchen and our bedroom...

Obviously the kitchen lol... 

Bedroom.. closet is to the right, dresser and tv are right in front of the bed and Bart's dresser is right on the side of the pic... and nothing is decorated... :( prob wont be for a long time since we will be be spending most of our time on getting baby's room ready... lol... 

Washer and dryer... this is going to be very very very handy when baby is here... shoot its even handy now lol... 

 I will post pictures of the babies room when we start painting it in a couple weeks and start puting together the crib and all that fun stuff! :) The living room and bathroom pics with be posted at a later time too... still working on those two rooms :) We also have a garage which is awesome because of the weather here in Iowa... I wont have to scrape my windows because of all the ice and snow when  I am 9 months pregnant...

Here are some pregnancy facts about week 17 and all that good stuff about the little baby growing...

Baby is about palm-size now, with a crown-to-rump length of about 5 inches and an approximate weight of 5 (or more) ounces. Body fat is beginning to form, but your little one is still quite skinny, with skin that is pretty much translucent. This week your baby is all about practice, practice, practice in preperation for birth. One important skill your baby is sharpening now: sucking and swallowing ... 

Your uterus, now the size of a small melon, has grown large enough to rise out of the pelvic cavity and by the end of the month, you'll be able to feel the top of it around two inches below your belly button. (which is very true because I can feel mine at that almost exact location) BTW according to my what to expect when expecting book I start into my 5th month of pregnancy next Wednesday!! :) 

More baby info... After this week, the probability of pregnancy loss remains very low for the remainder of the 2nd trimester. Over the next three weeks a rapid growth spurt occurs that will effectively double the baby's weight. Your baby is developing new reflexes such as the startle reflex, which will cause it to jump at the sound of a loud noise. However, it is possible (and normal) that you haven't felt its movements yet.
Baby is now the same size as the placenta. Your baby;s brain is communicating constantly with the nervous system and muscles...

Baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord is growing stronger and thicker... <3  

Finally... I am feeling our baby move at least a couple times a day now...usually when I get up for work and when I am sitting down eating lunch or something like that... I cant wait until the kicks get strong enough for Bart to start feeling :) I can tell he is getting pretty anxious and really really wants to feel the baby lol... He has been absolutely amazing and so supportive through this pregnancy so far... there isn't a day/morning that goes by that he doesn't kiss my belly and talk to our baby... :) I know he is going to be a great dad :) oh and yesterday I got off work and met me at my work (costco) so we could go grocery shopping.. we needed to stock up on stuff since we moved... and I see him down the aisle and when he looks up and notices us (me and the baby) he gets the biggest smile and walks up to me and immediately leans over and kisses my belly and says hi to the baby... He then goes on to talk about how pregnant that I look and that there is definitely a baby growing in there... That whole time we were in the store he couldn't take his hand off my tummy... he would randomly just come up and start rubbing it lol.. It was to cute :) So in love with him and our baby... :) Well until Tuesday (weekly tummy pic update)... I hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend! <3

One last thing... I cant get enough of this cereal! I would say this is my first real craving...

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Weekly Tummy Pic...

Okay so this post is going to be pretty long... I think... :)

So not only is this going to have my weekly tummy pic it is also going to have our 16w6d doctors appointment, moving, gender appointment stuff and whatever else...

Okay so first... Weekly tummy pic!!!! I cant believe I am 17 weeks along today! Almost half way there ;) So this pic is from when I was 16w6d... I feel GINORMOUS (word? prob not) I have felt really good lately couldn't really be any happier right now. :) Life is good pregnancy is good well as far as I know ;)

 Dont mind all the boxes and mess... lol have to love moving :)

Second, we had our OB check up yesterday... Everything went great! We got to hear our babies heart beating again, truly is music to my ears and heart. Baby's heart was beating at 155bmp. slowed down a lot sine the first time we heard the heart beating... A little bit of depressing news from our appointment... When I got on the scale at the doctors office I couldn't believe my eyes! Total weight gain so far =  a whopping 8lbs!!!! OMG.... hmm... dont know how I feel about that... Well I am happy because I know it is all baby... well I hope it is... Bart says the only place that I have gained weight is in my stomach... So I guess that makes me feel a little better. Anyways... I talked to my doctor about my cyst and she said that there isnt really anything they can do for it while I am pregnant, unless its twists... If that happens I will have to have surgery to untwist it or remove it... I really really hope that does not happen. The last thing that I want while I am pregnant is to have surgery. She also said that at my 20 week ultrasound they will look at my ovary and see if the cyst has grown at all since my last ultrasound. I also found out that they are actually measuring it in cm not mm... That concerns me even more lol. Right now it is measuring at 6.5cm... She is still hoping that it just dissolves and pretty much takes care of its self. When we had our first ultrasound our baby was measuring small but still measuring within the same week of our EDD... at our last ultrasound we found out that the baby was measuring to 13w and I was 13w1d :) so our little trooper caught up a little bit :) I thought that we would be getting our results from the NT test at this last appointment, but I guess there was a second blood draw that we had to do as well. So we went and had that done, and then we went and made our 20 week ultra sound appointment!!!!! :) Our appointment is set for August 16th at 8:30am!!!! I had to make it as early as possible that way I didn't have to wait that long. :) But we are going to have to wait until 6pm to find out what we are having... We spoke to our photographer and she was to wait until then so the lighting is perfect, since we will be doing the session outside. I cant wait! HEre is the video of our little baby's heartbeat... I think it is pretty funny right after I say 155 you can hear Bart in the background say "its gonna be a girl" then my doctor laughs and the video ends.

Something even more exciting is that Bart and I have officially moved in together today. :) We have been with each other every night but we have both had roommates... We are finally in our own space with just our things it is really nice. We were so lucky to have his parents come down and help us move, I dont think we would have been able to do it without them. :) Terry and Lou bought our little one the cutest little long sleeve shirt. :) and they got me a really cute maternity shirt, most likely going to be the one that I wear for our gender reveal pictures. Back to our new place... I absolutely LOVE it! It is perfect for us and our growing family... It was so nice moving our baby's stuff into its room/nursery. Bart and I already have it all planned out on where we want to put stuff and how to decorate it... 15 more days and we can start painting and getting everything ready for baby...

My mom will be here on Saturday to come and get my kitties... :( I am really excited to see her and spend some time with her, but I am not happy about my cats leaving. It is going to be a big help with them not around... less cat hair around the baby, we dont have to worry about the cats possibly scratching the baby etc.... but I dont think they would scratch the baby anyways... Idk... all I know is that I am going to miss them so much and I will probably start balling when they leave... I already do that when Bart and I talk about them leaving...

So this was supposed to be posted yesterday Wednesday August 1st, but we got caught up with unpacking and trying to put all of our stuff away... So just for some clarification our 16w6d picture and OB appointment happened on Tuesday July 31st... Actually that's more for my memory when I look back on this I can see when exactly all of this happened, because I know I will forget... I really have the hardest time remembering things lately... I guess the whole "pregnancy brain" is pretty accurate...

I know I already said this but I am extremely extremely excited for our ultrasound in two weeks! All I can hope for is that our little baby is as healthy as can be... <3