Thursday, August 16, 2012

Anatomy Scan & Gender Reveal!!!

Well it's a GIRL!!!!! We are going to have a little princess running around soon ;)

Well lets start with the anatomy scan... The most important part... As far as baby goes everything looks great and out little baby girl is healthy as can be! Her heart was beating at 157bpm and she was kicking/moving up a storm in there.... She is measuring a day ahead and weighs 11oz.... ;) I loved seeing our little one for an hour today on the big screen... Makes my heart melt whenever I see her... She truly is precious and such an amazing gift!

As far as mommy goes... I have a cyst on my ovary, which I have talked about before, bad news it has grown even more! ugh such a bummer... It is measuring now almost 8cm... hmm... that makes me nervous.. as long as it doesn't affect our baby girl then I am one happy momma. I will deal with that after our princess is here... I guess... Couple more bad things... well not bad but just annoying I guess... First, I have an anterior placenta.... :( bummer... doesn't harm baby at all... just makes it where I cant feel baby as much... Which hasn't really been a problem, because Bart and I have both been able to feel our baby girl. Second, this one actually really bothers me... She measured how close the placenta is to my cervix... mine is low... she said there is no reason to worry she sees this all the time... But I am a worrier lol... She said that it could be low because my uterus hasn't stretched enough for it to move up yet... She also said that it is still early on so there is plenty of time for it to move on up... Bad thing if it doesn't... I have to have a C-Section!!!! :( :( :( when she said that I almost started crying! I want nothing more than to have an all natural birth... Felt like my heart was stomped on.. ugh... terrible!!! But on the bight side it doesn't affect the baby at all and baby is still healthy!!! And that is all that matters to me!!! <3 Another positive from it being low is that we get to have another ultrasound when I am 30 to 32 weeks along! Yay! I love being able to look at our baby girl! But... my fingers are crossed that it moves up and I can go ahead with a natural birth... by natural I mean no epidural too... aaaahhhh that's scary haha... But I know I can do it... and if not I always have that option hehe...

Okay so now on to the gender reveal photo session! ;) I had such an amazing time with Kenzi (our photographer) and her girls... They are an amazing!!!! And I dont think that I can say that enough... I can not wait for her to be apart of the birth our baby girl in January! I will have more pictures up tomorrow from our reveal photo session... It was complete torture having to wait until our photography session to find out the sex of our baby... We had out ultrasound at 830am and our session didnt start until 4:30!!! It was well worth the wait! I cant wait to see the rest of our pictures!!!

I seriously can not express how I feel right now!!! <3 I am even more in love with our baby girl now... I didn't really think that was possible.. I already loved her more than anything in my life!

Well here are tons of pictures from our anatomy scan!!! My ultrasound tech didn't put the images of our babys sex on the cd.. I think she thought we would look before our reveal lol... So I am going to go in there tomorrow to see if they can add those images on there for me... I have to see my little girls business lol...

Meet our baby girl Brooklynn Ann Graybill...


My little princess 

Love this view of her heart!!! <3 

Cross section of her heart... and heart rate at the bottom... 157bpm. <3 

Cant believe how much she has grown!!! 


I dont know what it is about feet picture I absolutely love them! <3 She kept on crossing her legs.... I guess u can say she was keeping it classy! haha 

Okay so these arent the best 3d pictures... this was the end of the ultrasound.. she was getting shy... and tired lol.. only wanted to show us half of her beautiful face. this one she has her arm up by her face... 

<3 Love her! 

 This little girl always has her hands by her face ;)

 Smiling... I think haha thats what it looks like to me ;) I cant wait for more 3d pictures!! We will have 2 more ultrasound for sure!

 Both of her little hands under her chin ;) This little girl doesn't even realize that she already has Bart and I wrapped around her little finger!

So that's it for now... My next appointment is on Tuesday and my weekly tummy pic update too... <3  


  1. Kim... Contact Danielle Selby (LB of Jan 2013). She, too, has the anterior placenta. There was a thread a while back about a few of the girls who had it. I will praaaayyyyy that it moves upward so you don't have to have a c-sec. I am sure everything will be ok :). Bummer news about your cyst. I meant to ask you about that the other day. Was the only option to have it removed after birth? They can't go in now while uterus is still small(er)? I'm sure everything will pan out for the best. I have faith!
    LOVE the gender reveal picture! I cant wait to see the rest!

  2. Yeah I think I remember reading that she had one... I still feel baby everyday and so does Bart, so I'm not to worried about that...

    And witht he whole cyst thing they really arent to worried about it... she said that my ovary still has great blood flow and that it isnt twisted... so i guess thats good.. and they said that they will prob do a abdominal scan after Brooklynn is born... then I guess go from there.. And I'm not to sure if they can do it while im pregnant... I would rather wait till after she is here.. I dont want to go under anesthesia while im preggo...

    And as far as the placenta goes... I really really really hope it moves up too... ugh... I want nothing more than to give birth to Brooklynn naturally... and be able to hold her right after I have her... and just have that moment.. You know exactly what im talking about lol... but the tech said that is something that she sees all the time and that it will most likely move up... she also said its low but not that low... So I guess that is a little reassuring...

    And thank you! I love the pictures too!! I will have all of them posted on Tuesday... thats when I am going to go in and make my order and buy the CD that has all the images... :)

  3. Yea for Team Pink!! And my placenta is anterior as well, but nowhere near my cervix. I think it's common to be anterior. I mean, there's not a lot of places for it to go, ya know? And I love her name - Brooklynn Ann - so pretty!
